Pickup Sport - this is a mobile assistant sports activities app.

The mission of the app is to empower parents to provide healthy and fun early sports experiences for kids.

Project Overview

It’s the first all-in-one app for families with kids that makes youth sports Convenient and Fun! The app allows families to find and create pickup games in their neighborhood and follow weekly instructions on what the kids should learn.

In general, the goal of the app is to encourage kids to play neighborhood sports and help parents meet other families to play with and guide them on what to teach the kids.



A modern sports start-up for children and their parents that aims to gamify the process of organizing active children's games, help children lead healthy lifestyles, and improve their communication.

Customer Challenge

To develop a mobile app that allows parents to register, add their children, organize and participate in sporting activities, and specify their location to collaborate with other parents and organize games together.



Business Challenge

The team was tasked with developing a mobile app that would allow parents to add their children, and organize and participate in sports activities by specifying a specific location after registration.

Namely, we had to implement: